You'll Never Be Highly Valued or Highly Paid Until You Stop Saying This...

Want to know why saying “I can do that for you” can undermine your business by positioning you as a generalist, making you easily replaceable. Instead, focusing on one specialized skill or service, like a handcrafted chef’s knife, makes you indispensable and allows you to command higher fees. To stand out and achieve your goals, stop trying to do everything, identify your unique strength, eliminate unnecessary tasks, and market yourself as an expert. By narrowing your focus, you become more valuable and attract better clients.
Leona Mutuku

So, you’re running a service business and giving it your all.

You desperately want to stand out, be highly valued, and finally earn what you know you’re worth. So why aren’t you achieving those goals? Why does everyone still treat you like you’re a dime in a dozen?

Well, what if there’s one phrase silently sabotaging all your efforts?

What’s that, you ask? “I can do that for you.”

It sounds innocent, even helpful, doesn’t it?

But every time you say it, you’re casting yourself as a Swiss Army knife—useful but easily replaceable. Swiss Army knives cost about $50.

Now, a handcrafted chef’s knife, built for one specific purpose, can fetch thousands.

Why? Specialization.

When you try to do everything, you dilute your value. When you focus on your ONE thing, you amplify your worth. Steve Jobs summed it up perfectly: “Focus is about saying no.”

So, how do you stop being “useful” and start being indispensable?

The Danger of “I Can Do That for You”

When you position yourself as a jack-of-all-trades, you blend into a sea of other service providers. You become convenient but not essential. People might appreciate your versatility, but they won’t pay top dollar for it. Why? Because generalists are everywhere.

Think about it. Who earns more: the family doctor or the neurosurgeon? The family doctor has a broad skill set, but the neurosurgeon’s narrow expertise commands higher fees. The same principle applies to your business.

The Power of Saying “No”

Here’s the secret: stop trying to do it all. Say no to projects, clients, and tasks that don’t align with your specialty. Yes, it’s scary at first. But every “no” clears the path for your “yes”—the work that makes you shine.

3 Steps to Becoming Highly Valued

  1. Identify Your ONE Thing Sit down and ask yourself: What does my business do better than anyone else? This is your handcrafted chef’s knife—your specialty.
  2. Eliminate the Rest Look at your current offerings and start trimming. If it doesn’t align with your one thing, it’s time to let it go. Focus breeds excellence.
  3. Position Yourself as the Expert Market yourself as the go-to authority in your field. Showcase your expertise, highlight your unique value, and set yourself apart from the crowd.

The Transformation Awaits

When you stop saying, “I can do that for you,” and start saying, “Here’s what I do best,” everything changes. You attract better clients, command higher fees, and build a reputation as the expert in your niche. No more scrambling to be all things to all people. Instead, you’re the chef’s knife—precise, valuable, and irreplaceable.

So, what’s it going to be?

Will you keep blending in, or are you ready to stand out and claim your true value?

The choice is yours—and trust me, the rewards are worth it.

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Joe Mutuku
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